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SpotDraft is an AI-based contract management system, that allows a user to create, review and manage all their legal contracts in one place. During the creation - review - execution process both parties are sent emails as a primary mode of communication.

Revamping Contract Emails
📓 Project Brief
Determine a voice for Spotdraft using brand guidelines, and rewrite all emails being sent to customers
⏳ Duration / Size
3 days / M
👩🔧 My Role & Team
As the sole UX writer, I collaborated with the designer and the PM to achieve clear and concise copy for the emails
Since this was my first project at SpotDraft, I first got familiar with SpotDraft's Brand identity which had already been crafted by founders and previous designers.

Understanding Users
The design and product team had already curated user interview recordings as well as sample personas.
I also familiarized myself with these.
(This data will not be shared in this portfolio due to confidentiality reasons.)
Understanding the flow
Each step of the contract review process involved a different e-mail use case. Hence, to cover all the cases I had to study and try out the user flows myself.
Below is an example of some of the use cases that had to be included:
Who gets an email when an action is taken

and more...
Fixing the information hierarchy
The overall structure of the old email was scattered, and messy. Before moving on to the actual copy, I suggested changes in the text hierarchy so that the copy would get the focus it deserved.
An example is shown below using the first use case (contract creation)

The new suggested structure is shown below

Brand voice variations
Based on the above research, I created 3 variations for SpotDraft's new Voice - using the NNGroup's Four Dimesions of Voice as an added guideline. This was done to experiment with a variety of flavours for the new UX Copy, and see which one fits best.

After discussion with stakeholders, we chose the Gamma voice, as it fit better with the brand identity of SpotDraft